Monday, December 25, 2023

Breaking Stereotypes: My First Month as a Java Developer at ItechArt

 Welcome back my dear readers!!!

This blog I cannot wait to talk about my experience as a Java developer at ItechArt, exploring the IT industry and dispelling myths along the way. During my first moth at this cutting-edge company. I will take you throught my experiences, the difficulties I encountered, and the priceless insights I discovered. πŸ’»πŸ‘©

Entering the IT field can feel like entering an uncharted island, especially for a woman working in a traditionally male-dominated field. However, my time at ItechArt was a revelation for me. The company's commitment to diversity and inclusion has created an environment where skill and passion trump gender stereotypes. 

Taking on a Java project in my first month at ItechArt felt like an exhilarating journey. The learning curve was severe and the difficulties exhilarating. Being surrounded by seasoned coders gave me vital insights, and I realized that teamwork is the key to ItechArt's success. Unlike the clichΓ© of the lone coder, my days consist of code reviews, vibrant debates, and brainstorming sessions powered by coffee. This dynamic combination makes every day an interesting adventure.

Now, as I consider my first month, I'd like to hear from you, my dear readers. Have prejudices in the IT business ever caught up with you? What role has your place of employment played in their breaking? Let us have an unconventional conversation that goes beyond convention. Let's continue the conversation about diversity and inclusion in the software industry by exchanging experiences and comments. πŸ’£πŸ“ˆπŸ“Œ

Recall that everyone gains from an inclusive and diverse IT community. Until then, have fun coding!πŸ‘»πŸ‘»

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Engaging Young ladies in Tech: My DigiGirlz ExcursionπŸ’»πŸŒŸ

Welcome back , my readers!

Today I would like to share with you one story that for the first time made me understand and reveal the world of technology. At that time I was in 9th grade and had no idea what awaited me. And it all started with a program called DigiGirlz, this program directed me towards my academic career. Now that we are in the present, I remember the impact this endeavor has had on my life...

I would like to tell you a story today that helped me learn about and appreciate technology for the first time. I was in my ninth grade at the time, and I had no idea what lay ahead. Furthermore, everything began with a program called DigiGirlz, this program guided me towards my scholastic profession. Now that we are in the present , I recall the effect this attempt has had on my life.

The significance of initiatives such as DigiGirlz in encouraging young women to seek STEM jobs and share their experiences with you cannot be overstated, My enthusiasm was stoked by this meeting, which also encouraged me to select the university hosting the event. This illustrates how early exposure and mentoring affect our professional growth.

I would love to hear your thoughts on initiatives like DigiGirlz.πŸ’« Have you had a similar experience that influenced your career choices? Share your stories in the comments belowπŸ’˜

To continue the conversation, I highly recommend you to visit more amazing blogs and projects that assist women in technology. Plese post links in the comments section. Together , we can build a network that will raise the voices of women in STEM✊πŸ’₯


Friday, December 22, 2023

Tech Marvels Unleashed: Crafting the Future with Technovation Girls in Tashkent

 Greetings, Amazing Readers!

I hope you're not bored and that you're prepared for yet another fascinating exploration of the innovative universe! It gives me great pleasure to relate in this blog post an amazing experience I had participating in the Technovation Girls competition with a group of gifted individuals from the heart of Tashkent. We have come a long way, combining creativity, ingenuity, and technology to produce something very amazing.

A global innovation project called Technovation Girls empowers young girls, women and children to use innovation to identify and solve big problems. With a rich social heritage, Tashkent has brought together a group of motivated young people who need to make an impact on the world. With typical developmental zeal, our group took on the test and explored the universe of possible results.

From programming to configuration thinking, our different group contributed a scope of capacities to the venture. This was not simply a specialized cycle; it was additionally an examination if inventive is the imaginative phony cap.

I welcome you to share your contemplations on involving innovation for creative arrangements. Have you been essential for a cooperative venture that started your imagination? πŸ’₯
Drop your remarks underneath, and we should touch off an exchnage that rises above limits and rouses others.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Boosting Technological Futures: Perspektywy Women Conference Unveiled

Greetings, tech enthusiasts! Let us explore the exciting world of the Perspektywy women's conference today, which serves as a motivating force for young women aspiring to work in the technology industry. ⚡️🌟

Participate in the Perspektywy Virtual Women's Conference to learn about the transformational moments and rich ideas that were discussed during this motivational event
You'll delve into a plethora of knowledge through this, from personal experiences to career methods, and you'll create a roadmap for women navigating a range of professional disciplines.

Let's honor trailblazers who bring disparate viewpoints together on a single platform, such as our project's founder Bianca Siwinska and engaging Google presenters. Their knowledge ignites international dialogues and extends an invitation to all of us to participate in and contribute to a future driven by mutual understanding and boundless creativity. We honor the transformative debate being shaped by remarkable individuals and the power of ideasπŸ’«πŸ’ͺ

The Perspektywy Women Conference, in my opinion, acts as a forum for women to empower one another and as a catalyst for change. This blog honors the achievements done in the name of gender diversity and equality because it genuinely believes that these kinds of occasions not only serve as inspiration but also serve as a springboard for real, constructive change across a range of sectors.

Nooooow, over to yoooou, dear readers: 
How can we all work together to create a workplace that supports women in the workforce? Please feel free to contribute your ideas, insights, and goals in the space provided below for comments. Together, let's transform this blog into a forum for discussion, building on the enthusiasm generated by the Perspektywy Women Conference.

Let us conclude by saying that the Perspektywy Women Conference is a movement rather than just an event. Let's keep promoting diversity, welcoming inclusiveness, and turning inspiration into action as we take in the collective knowledge and experiences. By working together, we can raise the voices of all women and build an infinitely empowered future. πŸ’ΌπŸŒŸ #DialogueofWomen #EmpowermentofWomen #DiversityandInclusion

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Empowering Girls in IT: An Experience with DevFest

Salutations to all of my amazing readers!

 The underrepresentation of women in IT is still a problem in a world where technology rules. I recently had the privilege of volunteering at the Google Developer Groups (GDG) DevFest in Tashkent as a supporter of gender inclusivity in technology. This experience gave me important insight into the work that still needs to be done as well as reinforced my commitment to empowering girls in IT. So, as we are getting closer and diving into the IT sphere, let me share the transformative journey that unfolded at the DevFest. πŸ’»πŸ’«

Beyond merely being a tech conference or series of shorts talks DevFest was a potent celebration of diversity and an example of how local initiatives can effectively close the gender gap in tech sector. Excellent speakers from many countries, all of whom are in the IT industry. The event brought attention to the need for a more inclusive industry through stimulating panel discussions and interesting technical workshops. The importance of mentoring and fostering an atmosphere that supports aspiring female technologies were the topics of a very inspiring workshop.

It became obvious to me after this event that meaningful conversation is essential to empowering girls in the IT industry. I started to think even more about the girl's involvement, the motivation behind it , and the interest in their eyes. We can carry these conversations beyond live events using blogging as a platform, and draw in more viewers. I want this blog to be a place where people share their thoughts, experiences, passions, and news. I want it to be an active space where people contribute to the conversation about geographical diversity in tech. Connecting with companies & organizations that are stalling this conversation can help amplify the conversation and strengthen networking for girls who want to work in tech.

GDG DevFest in Tashkent was more than just an event, it is a space where new ideas come to life and networking helps you create your future. Come join us every year on this journey of transformation. πŸš€πŸ€

Here's the link to join us and get involved in the movementπŸ’ͺ🌟

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Empowering Girls in IT: My Journey and Vision ✨πŸ‘©‍πŸ’»

Hi there, cherished readers! Greetings from my blog 🍿 I'm Diyora and I am 20 years old.  I've been studting in INHA University in Tashkent for 3 years. I had the incredible opportunity to study abroad as an exchange student in Korea last semester. Those emotions, getting to know amazing people, and strolling along the Han River in the evening. Every location I went to felt like a thrilling new chapter in my adventure book, including Sokcho, Busan, Jeju Island, Suwon, and the enchanted Nami Island (yes, the same island where Winter Sonata was filmed). ✈️ From the "yum" at home to the amazing "OH-MY-GOD, it's delicious" in Korea, the culinary journey is one not to be missed! 🍜πŸ₯πŸ₯ŸπŸ±πŸ™

I take great comfort in reading novels and losing myself in them with unquenchable passion. πŸ“š However, the joy of dancing still resonates: Imagine Dragons in Azerbaijan and Bruno Mars in Korea gave me endless energy and unforgettable melodies. πŸ₯πŸŽ€

Moreover, I was able to combine work and other academic subjects with programming in less than a year. Interest in this field has grown as a result of this journey. For me, studying is a fun activity as much as a chore. Organising frequent get-togethers with friends brings me great pleasure outside of the classroom. It is more than just a social activity; it is a symphony of heartfelt jokes and impromptu adventures that livens up the beat of my life. I eagerly attend IT events because I'm passionate about promoting technology and I always try to keep up with the newest developments! πŸŒΌπŸ’™

πŸš€ My goal is to help create an ecosystem in the IT sector where young girls and women will flourish rather than just get by. Imagine working in an information technology environment where women are encouraged to be creative and take the lead! πŸ“šπŸ“

I want to help girls in the IT field by exploring and learning more about it in my upcoming blogs. Prepare to be inspired and given a dose of wisdom for every girl with big IT dreams as they discuss initiatives and share personal stories. 🌞

Come along as we investigate the magic that occurs at the intersection of technology and new possibilities—the journey towards technology. πŸš€πŸ‘©‍πŸ’» Thrilled? I am aware of this! Join πŸŒŸπŸŽ‰

Breaking Stereotypes: My First Month as a Java Developer at ItechArt

 Welcome back my dear readers!!! This blog I cannot wait to talk about my experience as a Java developer at ItechArt, exploring the IT indus...