Saturday, December 16, 2023

Empowering Girls in IT: An Experience with DevFest

Salutations to all of my amazing readers!

 The underrepresentation of women in IT is still a problem in a world where technology rules. I recently had the privilege of volunteering at the Google Developer Groups (GDG) DevFest in Tashkent as a supporter of gender inclusivity in technology. This experience gave me important insight into the work that still needs to be done as well as reinforced my commitment to empowering girls in IT. So, as we are getting closer and diving into the IT sphere, let me share the transformative journey that unfolded at the DevFest. πŸ’»πŸ’«

Beyond merely being a tech conference or series of shorts talks DevFest was a potent celebration of diversity and an example of how local initiatives can effectively close the gender gap in tech sector. Excellent speakers from many countries, all of whom are in the IT industry. The event brought attention to the need for a more inclusive industry through stimulating panel discussions and interesting technical workshops. The importance of mentoring and fostering an atmosphere that supports aspiring female technologies were the topics of a very inspiring workshop.

It became obvious to me after this event that meaningful conversation is essential to empowering girls in the IT industry. I started to think even more about the girl's involvement, the motivation behind it , and the interest in their eyes. We can carry these conversations beyond live events using blogging as a platform, and draw in more viewers. I want this blog to be a place where people share their thoughts, experiences, passions, and news. I want it to be an active space where people contribute to the conversation about geographical diversity in tech. Connecting with companies & organizations that are stalling this conversation can help amplify the conversation and strengthen networking for girls who want to work in tech.

GDG DevFest in Tashkent was more than just an event, it is a space where new ideas come to life and networking helps you create your future. Come join us every year on this journey of transformation. πŸš€πŸ€

Here's the link to join us and get involved in the movementπŸ’ͺ🌟

1 comment:

  1. Diyora, your insights from GDG DevFest are truly inspiring! πŸ’‘πŸ’ͺ Let's continue to amplify the conversation on empowering girls in IT. Excited to see your blog as a vibrant space for sharing thoughts and fostering change. πŸŒπŸ‘©‍πŸ’»


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