Thursday, December 14, 2023

Empowering Girls in IT: My Journey and Vision ✨πŸ‘©‍πŸ’»

Hi there, cherished readers! Greetings from my blog 🍿 I'm Diyora and I am 20 years old.  I've been studting in INHA University in Tashkent for 3 years. I had the incredible opportunity to study abroad as an exchange student in Korea last semester. Those emotions, getting to know amazing people, and strolling along the Han River in the evening. Every location I went to felt like a thrilling new chapter in my adventure book, including Sokcho, Busan, Jeju Island, Suwon, and the enchanted Nami Island (yes, the same island where Winter Sonata was filmed). ✈️ From the "yum" at home to the amazing "OH-MY-GOD, it's delicious" in Korea, the culinary journey is one not to be missed! 🍜πŸ₯πŸ₯ŸπŸ±πŸ™

I take great comfort in reading novels and losing myself in them with unquenchable passion. πŸ“š However, the joy of dancing still resonates: Imagine Dragons in Azerbaijan and Bruno Mars in Korea gave me endless energy and unforgettable melodies. πŸ₯πŸŽ€

Moreover, I was able to combine work and other academic subjects with programming in less than a year. Interest in this field has grown as a result of this journey. For me, studying is a fun activity as much as a chore. Organising frequent get-togethers with friends brings me great pleasure outside of the classroom. It is more than just a social activity; it is a symphony of heartfelt jokes and impromptu adventures that livens up the beat of my life. I eagerly attend IT events because I'm passionate about promoting technology and I always try to keep up with the newest developments! πŸŒΌπŸ’™

πŸš€ My goal is to help create an ecosystem in the IT sector where young girls and women will flourish rather than just get by. Imagine working in an information technology environment where women are encouraged to be creative and take the lead! πŸ“šπŸ“

I want to help girls in the IT field by exploring and learning more about it in my upcoming blogs. Prepare to be inspired and given a dose of wisdom for every girl with big IT dreams as they discuss initiatives and share personal stories. 🌞

Come along as we investigate the magic that occurs at the intersection of technology and new possibilities—the journey towards technology. πŸš€πŸ‘©‍πŸ’» Thrilled? I am aware of this! Join πŸŒŸπŸŽ‰


  1. Absolutely thrilled to embark on this empowering journey with you, Diyora! πŸš€✨ Your adventures are like a travel dream! ✈️🌏 Excited to hear more about your IT journey and the wisdom you'll share with aspiring tech girls. πŸš€πŸ’»

  2. Wow, Diyora! Your journey is incredibly inspiring. Studying abroad, embracing diverse cultures, and diving into the world of IT—all at just 20 years old! Can't wait to read more about your experiences and your vision for empowering girls in IT. 🌍


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